January 2024

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Monthly Musings - January 2024

Happy New Year! I always start my new year with gratitude for the previous year; it seems more optimistic than focusing on what is not going well and attempting a life makeover. 2023 brought a number of opportunities into my life that have enriched it tremendously. To name a few: I started mentoring a sixth grade student in Bozeman. This opportunity has brought me such joy. Volunteering in this capacity takes only an hour per week, and it is such a hands-on way to give back to the community. Investing time, energy, and resources in our local children is the most effective way to thrive as a community. My sixth-grade buddy and I spend most of our time talking about friendships and playing games...not a bad gig at all! Another of my favorite 2023 experiences was enjoying the Bozeman Symphony, local theater, and Montana Ballet Company. My daughters and I explored a number of Montana theaters in 2023, including The Shane Theater in Livingston (amazing!), Bigfork Summer Playhouse, and Grand Street Theatre in Helena. Of course, our beloved Ellen Theater and Willson Theater in Bozeman are not to be missed! Pecha Kucha at The Ellen was certainly a highlight in 2023 as well. Finally, Hyalite. Where would I be without the restorative powers of Hyalite Reservoir? Ice fishing with my family at Hyalite is one of my very favorite ways to spend a day. Pack up the sleds, ice skates, ice fishing gear, potato chips, and Thermos, and you've got the best day ever as far as I am concerned. See the photo below for a photo of my crew (and warm weather loving dog, Maggie) after a day of fishing!

What I am looking forward to in 2024:

Book club! As an avid reader, I always look forward to my next great book. I started a neighborhood book club, and as it continues to grow, so does my inspiration to read out of my comfort zone. If you're interested in joining my book club or keeping tabs on what we're reading, reach out. I love talking books! (Currently reading Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. He's masterful - and a Montana resident!)

Concerts! Every year, I look forward to the Red Ants Pants music festival in White Sulphur Springs, Montana. It's fuel for the soul, I swear! Besides the festival circuit, I'm looking forward to Dropkick Murphys at The Elm in February. If you're not following upcoming performances at The Elm, do it! 

Kid stuff! From music recitals to gymnastics events, my girls keep me running. We are so fortunate to live in an area that offers so much enrichment for our kids!

Real Estate:

Good news in real estate! Interest rates are steadily declining. This comes as a welcome relief to homebuyers and sellers alike. Interested in keeping an eye on rates? I like to choose a couple of local lender websites to check daily in order to keep a pulse on rates. If you're looking for a fabulous local lender, I know several and am happy to connect you based on your needs.

I am seeing a bit of new inventory every day. Experts predict that once rates dip further, the market will flood with inventory (people upgrading, cashing out on equity, etc.) and buyers will regain some of their power, leading to some competition on desirable properties. Time will tell, I suppose. 

If you are interested in learning more about your property's value, reach out. I am happy to provide a detailed comparative market analysis or equity analysis for you. 

Until next month,
